Expertise Honed Over 50 Years
Benefit from Michael Savoldi's extensive research and experience in hoof care

Focus on Heel Care
Discover specialized insights on heel care for farriers, veterinarians, and owners

Impact of Wedge Pads
Understand the significance of adding wedge pads to the shoeing system
About the Course
Join us to delve deep into the world of hoof care with Michael Savoldi, a renowned expert with over 50 years of dedicated research. Learn how to optimize heel trimming and enhance your knowledge on wedge pads' effects, catering to farriers, veterinarians, and horse owners.
Meet Michael Savoldi
Embark on a learning journey with Michael Savoldi, a seasoned professional dedicated to sharing his wealth of knowledge on hoof care. Discover his insights, experiences, and passion for enhancing hoof care practices.
Ready to Elevate Your Hoof Care Skills?
Join now to access exclusive insights, techniques, and practical knowledge from Michael Savoldi. 32 minutes.